An all-faiths blessing on this Diwali, the festival of lights

On Diwali, we call upon the highest good to bless and protect us
We celebrate the timeless truth
That the forces of evil can be beaten back even at the final hour
And we are the warriors,
The protectors,
The light-makers,
That this world needs.

In the depths of what is dead and broken:
May brave love conquer

In the midst of the mess and the chaos:
May you find a firm footing and stand strong

When your own demons
Arise and make you doubt your worth:
May you be your own anam cara, your soul friend,
And speak kind, true words to break their spell

And may this festival of lights
Remind us
That we do not burn candles
To banish the darkness
Instead, the light of love and friendship
Burns always in the very heart of the darkness

And we need only light the lamp of love within us
And carry it with us
Wherever we go.

Dedicated to my late mother-in-law, Bhavna, who lovingly brought our family together every year to celebrate the festival of lights, and was a light to all who loved her.

Thank you to Madhav on Unsplash for the beautiful photo

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