Blessings and prayers

Lay down the heavy things

Sit down, sweet one
And allow the ground to hold you
Take the weight off and rest
Still feel heavy?

I can see why, with all you are holding
What am I holding, you say
Staring at your empty hands

But I see them
The things you carry, unseen

The to-dos
The what-ifs
The past events that you can’t change
The imaginary versions of you with which you punish the real one

Well, time to pack them all up
Into a bag
(I imagine a battered leather suitcase
With address tags and air travel stickers)
And then
Put it down

Do it right now
I’ll wait

Great job!

Now you know
That in each moment
All is accomplished, all begins
And ends
And returns

Now, it’s a weird thing,

But the heavy things often creep back when you sleep
So each day
– Each moment, honestly –
You must choose
To lay down the heavy things

Lay them down
And experience what it means
To be
Exactly enough
Just as you are
Your destiny fulfilled
In this moment
And in this
And in this.

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