Blessings and prayers

Imbolc- a blessing for the arrival of spring

Imbolc is an ancient Celtic festival marking the start of spring, the ‘quickening’ of nature at this time of year. It is associated with the goddess Brigid (who predates but shares characteristics with Saint Brigid of Kildare), an ancient goddess of fertility whose name could mean ‘exalted one’.

If you’d like to align with the forces of nature as they begin to grow and bloom once again, read this blessing and gently invite in the new season.
Content warning: fertility/birth metaphor


Sounding a deep knell

Across the land
Over frozen ground
Down into dark waters
Into still air

Announcing that spring is here.

Though it may be hard to see it,
The cycle of life
Inevitable, inexorable, incorrigible,
Is beginning again

Though it may be hard to believe,
Dormancy will always give way to growth
And life will always spring from death

Your heart has felt buried,
But now you start to sense which direction is ‘up’ through the clay
And your heavy limbs start to twitch

On her dedication day, we ask Brigid
And all the ancient powers of fertility
To help us grow
To help us birth this new era
Which waits in the wings
For us to manifest it

Dear one,
May you summon the bravery it takes to grow
Trusting that what is to come will enliven your spirit

If you still feel sluggish and slow,
Your limbs tangled in the layers of your hibernation bed
Don’t fret –

Today is just the beginning

All you need to do right now
Is lift your head
To sense the hint of warmth upon the wind
And know in your waters
That change is coming
And you have everything you need to blossom
When the time is right.

Thank you to Phil Hearing and Unsplash for the image.

1 Comment

  • […] Lughnasadh (pronounced LOO-NA-SAH) takes place on 1 August in the Northern Hemisphere and is the festival of the first harvest. It celebrates the harvesting of wheat in late July and early August. Lammas, a connected festival which may be a Christian interpretation of the earlier Lughnasadh celebration, is thought to mean ‘loaf mass’, which also references the wheat harvest. (I believe most of my readers are in the Northern Hemisphere, but for my Southern friends, here’s an Imbolc blessing!) […]


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