Blessings and prayers

First Monday of 2021 – a short non-religious prayer

A brief non-religious prayer/meditation to invite you into the week ahead with gentle mindfulness.

As you cross the threshold of this week
Enter as if
It is holy ground

Go slowly
Pay attention
Be sure to look around

Each day
For as long as we live it
Is a tabernacle

Every hour
Is the only hour in which we may find and feel wonder

So on this first Monday of 2021
Though it be cold, grey
Or washed with drizzle

Though we may wade through an email river
A Zoom swamp
Or a childcare canyon (and all before lunch!)

Though our phones, our very souls, may vibrate with portents of dread

May we remember
That Now is the ever-moving temple of the soul
And presence the slow but steady path

Leave just a little space
Even today
(A Monday!)
For the possibility
Of reverence

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