Blessings and prayers

A blessing for setting boundaries

The journey to draw new boundaries in your life
Is a pathway through your hurts, to your heart

Your heart is a spark of the divine
Entrusted into your care
Looking after it is messy, painful, holy work

If you feel anxiety, fear or discomfort
If shrill voices in your mind and body
Scream at you to turn back
Yelling that safety lies that way, on the well-trodden path

Know this:
These feelings are not your emotions ‘getting in the way’
These feelings are the Way

You cannot complete this work
By taking any other path
You must carry every part of you

So place a hand on your heart and whisper ‘I am safe’
Gently brush the skin of your arms and whisper ‘I will be ok’
Plant your feet on the ground and say ‘I am worthy’
Deeply honour the discomfort
Then, lace up your shoes
You are ready to set out

If you falter on the way
Even if you backtrack many miles
Keep walking

And as you walk
Your heart, learning to feel safe, will gradually start to heal.

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