A simple, non-religious Monday prayer to invite you to inhabit the week ahead.
May this new week offer you a fresh start.
May you take each task, each day, each moment as it comes
May the first sip of your morning coffee be a prayer
May your daily shower be a baptism
May a gentle stretch between tasks be a moving meditation
May you bring your presence to bear on everything you do, and may it’s light transfigure it
May these simple rituals and daily duties recall you to yourself
Offer a moment of peace
And remind you that
You can always, always start again.
New? Start here! - Holly of the Woods
March 13, 2021 at 1:12 pm[…] May this new week offer you a fresh start… […]
New? Start here! - Rev. Holly Chetan-Welsh
November 15, 2023 at 5:25 pm[…] May this new week offer you a fresh start… […]