A blessing for starting a new journey
Words of courage for anyone setting out on a new project, journey or commitment.
June 16, 2021Words of courage for anyone setting out on a new project, journey or commitment.
June 16, 2021This week's brief reflection/blessing as we going into another week
June 13, 2021Words for when you're struggling to ground yourself in your self-worth
June 10, 2021TodayThe promise of the spring is fulfilledAnd summer begins Beltane is a feast of joyful…
April 30, 2021When things are tough and you feel like giving up, take the time to be…
April 28, 2021My latest brief reflection to help you enter a new week with a little mindfulness.…
April 25, 2021A blessing for anyone who is struggling to find their sense of self-worth. May these…
April 23, 2021I share a bit more about my spiritual journey, what I learned from my time…
April 14, 2021Words of love and blessing for those struggling with a difficult relationship with a parent…
April 7, 2021In recent days, I've been grappling an emotional hurt which I've long-tended but struggle to…
April 7, 2021